We offer incentive-based challenges that make weight loss more exciting, focused and accountable. All HealthWage challenges include cash prizes -- win up to $10,000 in a challenge!
Ask yourself: What do I need to make my weight loss exciting, focused and fun?
Join our HealthyWager challenge to name your own goal and bet on your weight loss to win up to $10,000. In our Team Challenge - teams of 5 compete against each other for the $10,000 top prize. Decide which challenges work best for you, and if you are feeling really confident, join both challenges to win thousands of dollars for losing weight.
It's the fun factor that makes the difference! For some, it's the thrill of victory. For others, it's the excitement of losing weight with your friends.
Check out these recent participants:
Also, check out our Success Stories, Winners and Why It Works.
Lose weight, win a challenge and claim a cash prize!