(v. 5-7-2019)
These rules are incorporated into and incorporate the Services Agreement, to which all participants
must agree in order to register and participate.
Sign up on the HealthyWage website.
It only takes a few minutes to register and start having a blast!
Every single person that reaches or exceeds the goal of increasing their average step count by 25% at the end of their Challenge wins! The prize pot, which is the money collected from participants at the start of the Step Challenge (less 25% administration fee and any uncollected fee installments), will be split evenly among all successful participants.
If more than 75% of participating individuals are successful, HealthyWage guarantees all successful participants will receive at least their entry fee back.
You can track your steps automatically (with certain phone apps and devices). See "How do I track my steps?" in our FAQs.
Because the goal of the step challenge is a 25% increase of your personal current total daily step count, participants may have different step goals for each challenge they join, as your step average increases accordingly.
The green, yellow and red challenge success indicators are meant to be used as a guide. The indicators are an
estimate of progress toward your personal step goal and success, and not the final challenge results. No success indicators are final until the challenge has ended and results have been calculated.
Every individual who successfully increases their steps by 25% and reaches their personal step goal will receive a payment for an equal share of the pot, split among all of the successful participants.
HealthyWage is available to residents of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Latin America (including Mexico), Australia, and most of Europe and Asia. If you are participating through an employer, such as Halliburton, you are generally allowed to participate regardless of your location in the world. Unless you are participating through your employer, you may not participate if you are a resident of North Korea, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Burma, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya and Sudan.
All participants should have prior doctor's approval before starting any fitness program. You are not allowed to participate if: you are under the age of 18, have any medical conditions that prevent you from walking or being active, have a doctor's recommendation not to exercise or any disability preventing you from physical activity.
Part of our job is to prevent you from giving up, so you can't quit -- there are absolutely no cancellations or refunds. HealthyWage will suspend your challenge if you are pregnant.