J.W. H. from Jacksonville, FL
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: J.W. H.
From: Jacksonville, FL
Lost: 52 lbs
in: 6 months
Won: $300
J.W. heard about Healthy Wage on television and was intrigued by the premise involved in convincing people to lose weight and become healthier as well as the promise of a cash incentive. He decided to do some additional research on the Internet to be sure. Once he verified Healthy Wage was a credible program where real people had lost weight and won money, he knew it was something that he wanted to try. To him, the promise of getting back his original investment plus more was the major incentive.
After all, investing money in you increases the accountability to meet the weight loss goals. As he said, “it was a real no brainer.” J.W. simply did not want to lose the money he put down plus the other money from Healthy Wage was essentially ‘free money’ so why not take it. To make sure J.W. got that ‘free money,’ he pursued an aggressive strategy of exercise four to six times a week and reduced calorie intake, which he monitored using a mobile app. Knowing there was a deadline only pushed him harder to reach his goals. J.W. said he learned a lot from doing the Healthy Wage program and has clearer understanding of the contest as well as his own weight loss, exercise, and healthy eating – all of which he plans to share with others to help them be successful when they try the Healthy Wage Challenges for themselves.