Tim W. from Homewood, IL
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Tim W.
From: Homewood, IL
Lost: 44 lbs
in: 12 months
Won: $1300
Tim found HealthyWage through a Fox News story about the competitions as part of a New Year’s resolution story. The last few years had been a struggle when it came to losing weight, so it couldn’t have been more perfect timing for him to consider a competition as the answer to his weight loss challenges.
With three athletic girls and wife, Tim wanted to make sure he could keep up with them. Since he liked to run, Tim returned to that regimen and regularly participated in 5K to stay on track. Additionally, he used exercise apps while traveling for work and also selected hotels that he knew had an exercise room or a place nearby to run. Tim also tracked his food intake with apps to make sure he stuck to his program. His engineering background enjoyed HealthyWage’s online tracking system, noting that this also helped him while he was on the road or was enticed by any treats around the home. The financial incentive for Tim was very important because he did not want to have to tell his wife that he blew the family budget plus he wanted to share the winnings with his family, so this kept him accountable throughout even with the holidays there to tempt him.
Despite any challenges with the comfort food and sweets of the holidays, Tim relied on portion control, the financial finish line, and his family to stay motivated and meet his goals during the HealthyWage competition.
“HealthyWage kept me motivated and on track. It’s a good way to keep the weight loss goals going, but it also became an opportunity to make money doing what I should have already been doing.”